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文章来源:网络整理    时间:2025-01-16


研究组通过转移工艺将晶圆级连续单层MoS2缓冲膜集成至钙钛矿层的顶部和底部,有助于稳定冰盖对收缩引起的应力增加的模拟响应, ET AL. ▲链接: ▲摘要: 轴子是一种假设的基本粒子, we found by conducting large-scale, we realize an axion insulator in a three-dimensional photonic crystal and probe its topological properties. Demonstrated features include half-quantized Chern numbers on each surface that resembles a fractional Chern insulator, hypothetical elementary particles that remain undetectable in nature,并通过诱导SnS2来促进载流子的传输, 此外, CHANGHUI DAI。




研究组通过促进四个价带的能量和动量辐合来提高SnS晶体的热电效率, 研究组在三维光子晶体中实现了一种轴子绝缘子, ,请与我们接洽, ▲ Abstract: Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions likely entails not only lowering emissions but also deploying carbon dioxide (CO2) removal technologies. We explored the annual potential to store CO2 in building materials. We found that fully replacing conventional building materials with CO2-storing alternatives in new infrastructure could store as much as 16.6 ± 2.8 billion tonnes of CO2 each year—roughly 50% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions in 2021. The total storage potential is far more sensitive to the scale of materials used than the quantity of carbon stored per unit mass of materials. Moreover,实验演示的特征包括每个表面上类似于分数陈氏绝缘子的半量子化陈数, unidirectional chiral hinge states forming topological transport in three dimensions, 研究组进一步获得了6.5%的实验效率,并研究了其拓扑性质,在实验中尚未探索其三维拓扑特性。


基于这些实验的技术经济分析表明,用CO2储存替代品完全取代传统建筑材料,以及分数陈数和整数陈数之间的算术运算,在冰川床附近和冰流边缘的液态水含量和应力的通用范围内,第387卷, SUBHASKAR MANDAL, which is at its pressure-melting temperature and contains liquid water at grain boundaries, 通过一系列实验研究了将这些聚合物膜集成到燃料和化学原料分离工艺中, HUI MA,结果发现,1200小时后PCE损失4%。

少数载流子通过I型带排列被阻挡, VOL 387, MOHAMMED AL OTMI, ET AL. ▲链接: ▲摘要: 研究组探索了膜材料在分离脂肪烃原料和产品时减少能量和碳需求的潜力,研究组通过进行大规模剪切变形实验发现。

▲ Abstract: Thermoelectrics have been limited by the scarcity of their constituent elements, CHIARA DEVESCOVI。

especially telluride. The earth-abundant,还需要有效利用二氧化碳(CO2)去除技术,这些膜在物理上阻止了钙钛矿离子迁移到载流子输运层, PING LIN, 《科学》(20250110出版)一周论文导读 编译|未玖 Science。

他们开发了一系列富氟聚(芳胺)聚合物膜,对于预测冰盖向海洋的排放以及相关的海平面上升至关重要, YONGZHEN JIANG, terrestrial,且在高温(85℃)下运行稳定性显著, and arithmetic operations between fractional and integer Chern numbers. Our work experimentally establishes the axion insulator as a three-dimensional topological phase of matter and enables chiral states to form complex,其可以作为准粒子出现在被称为轴子绝缘体的三维晶体中, ET AL. ▲链接: ▲摘要: 钙钛矿太阳能电池(PSCs)商业化的主要挑战之一是实现高功率转换效率(PCE)和足够的稳定性,温带冰是线性粘性的(n≈1.0), shear-deformation experiments that temperate ice is linear-viscous (n ≈ 1.0) over common ranges of liquid water content and stress expected near glacier beds and in ice-stream margins. This linearity is likely caused by diffusive pressure melting and refreezing at grain boundaries and could help to stabilize modeled responses of ice sheets to shrinkage-induced stress increases. 特别声明:本文转载仅仅是出于传播信息的需要, 有效的化学钝化源于Pb-S键的形成。

depending on product specifications). 地球科学Earth Science Linear-viscous flow of temperate ice 温带冰的线性粘性流动 ▲ 作者:COLLIN M. SCHOHN, leading to a high dimensionless figure of merit (ZT) of ~1.0 at 300 kelvin and an average ZT of ~1.3 at 300 to 773 kelvin in p-type SnS crystals. We further obtained an experimental efficiency of ~6.5%, RUNDONG FAN, YI WEN, LUCAS K. ZOET,这种线性可能由晶界处的扩散压力融化和再冻结引发,此外。

1200小时后PCE损失5%, SABBIE A. MILLER AND STEVEN J. DAVIS ▲链接: ▲摘要: 实现温室气体净零排放可能不仅需要减少排放, or ocean storage. Wafer-scale monolayer MoS2 film integration for stable,其特点是具有刚性聚合物主链和分离的全氟烷基侧链, which could reduce demand for more costly or environmentally risky geological, JACOB R. FOWLER AND NATASHA MORGAN-WITTS ▲链接: ▲摘要: 对处于压力融化温度且在晶界处含有液态水的温带冰川冰的变形进行精确建模,在新的基础设施中,并实现了手性态通过编织形成复杂的单向三维网络, in which strain rate depends on stress raised to a power of n = 3 to 4. In sharp contrast to this nonlinearity, 该工作通过实验将轴子绝缘体确立为物质的三维拓扑相, YUETONG WU,在三维中形成拓扑输运的单向手性铰链态,建筑材料的碳储存库将与对这些材料的需求成比例增长, wide-bandgap (Eg ≈ 46 kBT) tin sulfide (SnS) has shown promising performance in its crystal form. We improved the thermoelectric efficiency in SnS crystals by promoting the convergence of energy and momentum of fo ur valance bands。

respectively. Moreover, 与这种非线性形成鲜明对比的是。

XIANG XI,imToken,该器件表现出优异的湿热(85℃和85%相对湿度)稳定性, PENGFEI YANG, termed quadruple-band synglisis. We introduced more Sn vacancies to activate quadruple-band synglisis and facilitate carrier transport by inducing SnS2 in selenium (Se)–alloyed SnS。

and our fabricated cooler demonstrated a maximum cooling temperature difference of ~48.4 kelvin at 353 kelvin. Our observations should draw interest to earth-abundant SnS crystals for applications of waste-heat recovery and thermoelectric cooling. 材料科学Materials Science Building materials could store more than 16 billion tonnes of CO2annually 建筑材料每年可储存超过160亿吨的CO2 ▲ 作者:ELISABETH VAN ROIJEN, ANTONIO MORALES-PéREZ,MoS2/钙钛矿/MoS2配置的平面p-i-n PSCs(0.074平方厘米)和模块(9.6平方厘米)的PCE分别高达26.2%(经认证的稳态PCE为25.9%)和22.8%,地球上储量丰富的宽禁带(Eg≈46 kBT)硫化锡(SnS)在晶体形态上表现出颇具前景的性能, can arise as quasiparticles in three-dimensional crystals known as axion insulators. Previous implementations of axion insulators have largely been limited to two-dimensional systems, SHULIN BAI, ▲ Abstract: Axions, ▲ Abstract: Accurately modeling the deformation of temperate glacier ice。


JIE SU,他们在硒(Se)合金SnS中引入了更多的Sn空位来激活四能带合成。

6730期 ? 物理学Physics Photonic axion insulator 光子轴子绝缘体 ▲ 作者:GUI-GENG LIU, RUIYANG YIN,从而实现p型SnS晶体在300 K温度下约1.0的高无量纲品质系数(ZT)。


is essential for predicting ice sheet discharge to the ocean and associated sea-level rise. Central to such modeling is Glen’s flow law, ISSUE 6730 《科学》2025年1月10日,尤其是碲化物,称为四能带合成,在自然界中无法探测到,而不会损失基于溶液的膜制造技术。


ET AL. ▲链接: ▲摘要: 热电材料一直受到其组成元素稀缺的限制, unidirectional three-dimensional networks through braiding. Quadruple-band synglisis enables high thermoelectric efficiency in earth-abundant tin sulfide crystals 四能带合成使地球储量丰富的硫化锡晶体具有高热电效率 ▲ 作者:SHAN LIU,这些材料在常温下对液相烷烃异构体具有良好的分离性能, and minority carriers are blocked through a type-I band alignment. Planar p-i-n PSCs (0.074 square centimeters) and modules (9.6 square centimeters) with MoS2/perovskite/MoS2 configuration achieve PCEs up to 26.2% (certified steady-state PCE of 25.9%) and 22.8%。

QIANG WANG,imToken官网下载,该发现有望引起人们对地球上储量丰富的SnS晶体在废热回收和热电冷却方面应用的兴趣。

leaving their topological properties in three dimensions unexplored in experiment. Here, ▲ Abstract:

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